what do we research?

user insights

creating brands that respond to changing consumer needs faster than the competition. from tailoring brand communication to meeting needs of users, we bring customer insights gives the little sparkle which will change everything on your table.


unexpected, routine, repetitive, ambiguous... we try to deconstruct what is behind our seemingly rational choices. we try to understand the patters behind the human behaviour.

machine emotions

whether it's grabbing consumer attention in a complex world, or building lasting brand memories, the science is abundantly clear: strong marketing is built on the power of emotion TTD helps to create and communicate meaningful content to uncover emotions, no matter human or machine.

algorithm interaction

we interact with other humans and animal. nothing is new there. but what happens when we interact with machines, algorithms, systems; organisms that does not breath. we discover the relations between humans and machines.

what are the results?

video ethnography

a documentary that reflects highlights of our research. you will hear the voice and capture the emotions, as well as behaviours of your customers..


they are the representations of your real target audience. collected in previous research phases, personas are archetypical users whose goals and characteristics represent the needs of a larger group of users.

customer journey maps

diving deep into the micro needs, motions, behaviours within every possible touchpoint between the brand and customer. the thick data's maps details customer decisions using innovative anthropological methods.


a mental shortcut that point outs quick solutions to solve problems. these rule-of-thumb strategies shorten decision-making time and allow brands to function without constantly stopping to think about their next course of action.

where are we?